December 21, 2009

Molly Smile's & She Radiates <3

Daddy's little girl paints the world with her magic wand

Daddy's little child breathes new life to the morning time for me
Though we're apart, her thoughts follow me

When I come home, Molly smiles with the dawn
Molly smiles, and she radiates the glow around her halo
When she plays, Molly smiles
On a summer day, Molly smiles
A new day, Molly smiles
Daddy's little girl ties a ribbon around my heart
Daddy's little child waves goodbye to the ocean tide that sweeps me
Though we're apart, she's a part of me

Molly smiles with the dawn
Molly smiles and she radiates the glow around her halo

When she plays, Molly smilesOn a summer day, Molly smiles
A new day, Molly smiles
When I come home, Molly smiles with the dawn
Molly smiles and she radiates the glow around her halo
When she plays, Molly smiles
On a summer day, Molly smiles
A new day, Molly smiles

When the days have gone grey,
Nothing's wrong when Molly smiles

Brittany Murphy
November, 10, 1977- December, 20, 2009
Clueless, Sin City, Girl Interrupted, Happy Feet, Up Town Girls, 8 mile, Little Black Book, Just Married, Ridding in cars with boys, Don't Say a Word.
SHE IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE & NOT TO MENTION I DIDN'T EVEN DO THIS FOR MICHAEL JACKSON, BUT I TRULY WAS A FAN. I've always loved her ever since Sister Sister. she was weird awkward and not your typical beauty i was utterly in love with her acting and she will always be in my memories.

Nothing's wrong when Molly smiles....

Ashton: 2day the world lost a little piece of sunshine.

My deepest condolences go out 2 Brittany’s family, her husband, & her amazing mother Sharon.

see you on the other side kid.




till next time