Though we're apart, her thoughts follow me

When she plays, Molly smiles

Daddy's little child waves goodbye to the ocean tide that sweeps me
Though we're apart, she's a part of me

Molly smiles and she radiates the glow around her halo

A new day, Molly smiles

When I come home, Molly smiles with the dawn
Molly smiles and she radiates the glow around her halo
Molly smiles and she radiates the glow around her halo
When the days have gone grey,
Nothing's wrong when Molly smiles
Nothing's wrong when Molly smiles

Brittany Murphy
November, 10, 1977- December, 20, 2009
Clueless, Sin City, Girl Interrupted, Happy Feet, Up Town Girls, 8 mile, Little Black Book, Just Married, Ridding in cars with boys, Don't Say a Word.
SHE IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE & NOT TO MENTION I DIDN'T EVEN DO THIS FOR MICHAEL JACKSON, BUT I TRULY WAS A FAN. I've always loved her ever since Sister Sister. she was weird awkward and not your typical beauty i was utterly in love with her acting and she will always be in my memories.
Nothing's wrong when Molly smiles....

Ashton: 2day the world lost a little piece of sunshine.
My deepest condolences go out 2 Brittany’s family, her husband, & her amazing mother Sharon.
see you on the other side kid.
till next time